Below are descriptions for Smartsettle User Certifications followed by descriptions for Smartsettle Facilitator Certifications.

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User Certification Descriptions

Infinity Negotiator

Once you have completed Infinity Beginner you may participate as a party in a simulation or role play, in order to become more familiar with how Infinity works and to experience it in process. Once you have become a Negotiator you are able to gain access to the Facilitator Certification Track while you continue in the User Track.

Smartsettle training program simulations are usually done online in order to efficiently accommodate trainees at a distance and give them a realistic experience. If you need to work with others that live in different time zones and have different schedules than you do, a simulation could take several weeks to complete. To prepare for the simulations, please review the guidelines for conduct. You will be tested on these guidelines later.

In Negotiator training, you will play the role of a party, negotiating online against one or more other role players. Most participants will complete this part of their training by participating in the International eNegotiation Exhibition. Some participants will need to participate in more than one simulation before they are ready to move on to the next level.

Whenever you are ready to start a simulation, either as a party or as a facilitator, please contact training at Smartsettle.

Infinity Proficient User

In training for this certification the user will have the opportunity to learn key elements of the Infinity software that will allow them to do advanced preference analysis, basic case set up and modeling, and use Infinity to simulate a case from their own experience and context.

The user will complete the advanced tutorials.  Completing this certification will give you a strong understanding of all the major functions and tools of Infinity and is extremely helpful in managing your own negotiations or, as a facilitator, managing the negotiations of others.  Combined with a Facilitator Certification you will have a well-rounded skill set and be well-equipped to manage cases with occasional support from Lead Facilitators and/or Expert Users.

Infinity Expert User

The training for this certification is in the form of a practicum putting into practice what has been learned to date.

Infinity Master User

Having become an expert user of Infinity, you are now ready to become a master.  You will learn to develop private variables and private/shared constraints and formulas and privide leadership in live cases.   Under the guidance of a Certified Master you will develop your skills in the real-world application of Infinity.  Upon completion of this certification you will be able to set up cases, support facilitators in all aspects of Infinity use, and provide technical support to other users.  Combined with Facilitator Certification you will be well-equipped to manage all technical aspects of live cases and with only occasional support from a Lead Facilitator.

Facilitator Certification Descriptions

Smartsettle ONE Facilitator

Starting with Smartsettle ONE will be an easy,  fun, and fast way to learn the basic concepts of eNegotiation and get familiarized with our eNegotiation Exhibition training site .  You will begin the training by registering at the eNegotiation Exhibition website and then you will move into the Smartsettle ONE website to try out the process.  There are several videos available.

This certification is for the participant to be a Smartsettle ONE Intervenor (facilitator or mediator) for Smartsettle ONE negotiations. A facilitator provides technical and process support to one side of a negotiation while a mediator helps both sides with their communication.

Infinity Facilitator

Once you have received your Negotiator Certification you may participate as a co-facilitator in a simulation, or role play, in order to become more confident at guiding other users through the Infinity process. The goal of Facilitator training is to qualify trainees for co-facilitation of live cases. Trainees need to become comfortable with the basic functions of Smartsettle before beginning this Certification so that they are able to assist other trainees. A simulation may be set up to have you play on one or both sides. If on one side, the role may alternatively be set up as a Chief Negotiator working with other team members. Follow the posted checklist to play your Facilitator role. In order to be as efficient as possible, Smartsettle training program simulations are often done online. If you have to work with others that live in different time zones and have different schedules than you do, a simulation may take several weeks to complete. To prepare for the simulations, please review the guidelines for conduct.

Infinity Lead Facilitator

With the goal of becoming a Lead Facilitator, you will participate as an observer in at least two live cases, with at least 20 hours of observation time.  You will be present either online or in person during these live cases. These cases may be arranged through the Smartsettle Resolution Centre, which was doing mostly Family separation cases at the time these materials were written. These cases will be made available to you as they become available at the Centre.  Once you have attained a high level of skill in both the facilitation process and in the technical aspects of Infinity, a Lead Facilitator, upon request, will assess these skills and grant you Lead Facilitator Certification.   Once your Lead Facilitator has signed off on your participation and confirmed your understanding of Infinity and the Smartsettle Process, you will be eligible to work on Smartsettle Resolution Centre cases under the guidance of a Lead Facilitator. Once you have achieved this level of certification you are able to lead cases at the Smartsettle Resolution Centre or in your own practice, with occasional and timely support of an Expert User.

Infinity Senior Facilitator

The last step in becoming qualified as a full-fledged Senior Facilitator is to take the lead in at least two more live cases. Once you have attained a high level of skill in both the facilitation process and in the technical aspects of Infinity, a Senior Facilitator, upon request, will assess these skills and grant you Senior Facilitator Certification.  With this level of certification you will be able to lead cases at the Smartsettle Resolution Centre or in your own practice, with occasional and timely support of an Expert User.