This tour simulates a hypothetical negotiation between two parties named BigGuy and SmallGuy. The issues are money, time and language. Use your imagination for the wider context. Please consult the glossary if any terms used on this website are unfamiliar to you.
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Smartsettle Hypothetical Examples
Smartsettle can be applied to virtually any type of case involving multiple decision makers with conflicting objectives. Following are a few examples. More examples are available as tutorials when installing the client version of Smartsettle.
Supply Agreements
A updated version of a live simulation from a Cyberweek event, this Steel Strap Supply Agreement reveals results using Smartsettle Infinity.
Labor Management
An updated version of a live Cyberweek simulation event, this Labor Management Collective Bargaining Case provides views from both sides of the agreement process.
Lawrence vs Smith: This workplace simulation was done for ADR Cyberweek 2001. It illustrates the use of Smartsettle’s Suggestion (multi-issue blind bidding) feature to come to a solution.
Boss vs. Staff: This simulation illustrates how Smartsettle can be used to solve an employee-employer dispute. Parties use proposals and Smartsettle Suggestions to solve their impasse and then use Smartsettle’s advanced optimization features to generate an Improvement.
InsurCo: This simulation shows how a claimant with injuries after a car crash can use Smartsettle to settle with an insurance company.
Dysnay: In this case, Israel and Syria agree to build a Dysnay Themepark on the Golan Heights.
Environmental Resource
Beyond Win-Win in Cyberspace: This is an adaptation of a paper written for the Ohio State Journal on Dispute Resolution. The hypothetical case study, used with permission from the Harvard Program on Negotiation, is similar to the DEC vs. Riverside case where the Department of Environmental Conservation negotiates with a pulp and paper company about how to solve a river pollution problem..