Welcome to Smartsettle.com where we hope to answer all your questions about online dispute resolution (ODR), eNegotiation, and our products; Smartsettle ONE and Smartsettle Infinity.
Here’s a map to guide you through our website.
Start Using Smartsettle
The best way to get introduced to our products is to see the various applications where they can be used.
If you have a two-party problem that can be easily boiled down to one numerical issue you can resolve your case using Smartsettle ONE.
Or if you have an important case that involve multiple issues, Infinity will deliver maximum value.
You can also find out how you can have fun getting trained or how you can engage a Smartsette Facilitator
Browse our Resources section for articles on ODR technology, arbitration, visual blind bidding, and find out what the movie “A Beautiful Mind” has to do with Smartsettle.
There’s also a list of Simulations that illustrate how Smartsettle is truly changing the way the world negotiates.
Watch “Leveling the Playing Field” and “How Smartsettle ONE Works” on our Videos page.
Meet our highly trained and Smartsettle certified facilitators on our Facilitators page.
Our External Links feature negotiation support systems, related sites, and various organizations collaborating with Smartsettle.
Our Products section gives you a detailed information on our sophiscticated and powerful products; Smartsettle ONE and Smartsettle Infinity.
Our Beta Testing Program provides a great opportunity for enthusiastic users to trial new software before it hits the market.
Our Downloads page gives you access to the latest build of Smartsettle ONE and Smartsettle Infinity.
Contact Us
The Contact Us page helps you get in touch with our team for further support.
Sign up to use Smartsettle ONE
Quick Links
Find the latest on Smartsettle products, the ODR community and eNegotiations in our News section on the the Quick Links on the right sidebar of the page. You can also visit our Store to find out more about our training programs, courses and other products.
The Quick Links also has an FAQ section with answers to commonly asked questions and the Glossary page defines terms related to the technology and negotiation as a whole.
Our About Us section features our Vision, our President, information about the company, the process, and the advantages of using Smartsettle.
We’ve also added a link to the eNegotiation Exhibition website where you can have a real-life experience with Smartsettle ONE, as well as a link to the Summit Negotiations Society website.