A collection of Smartsettle videos
A few of Smartsettle’s videos are listed below. For a wider selection please visit Smartsettle’s eNegotiation Channel.
Levelling the Playing Field
(13 min)
Smartsettle’s “Levelling the Playing Field” video first debuted in Haifa at the International Forum on Online Dispute Resolution, is now available on YouTube in high definition. This 13-minute show isolates the thorny issues that hinder and complicate ordinary negotiations, and reveals important practical and theoretical advantages of Smartsettle’s eNegotiation system in surmounting these challenges, fostering agreements that are beyond win-win.
Produced with the intention of introducing eNegotiation and ODR to a wide audience, Levelling the Playing Field makes it clear that technology is changing the paradigm for negotiators in the 21st century.
The video is now freely available for use by anyone wishing to learn about or introduce others to these concepts, whether for private or commercial use, inclusive of the classroom, boardroom, court chamber, lunch room or any other context.
The Orange Quarrel
(9 min)
Many of you are familiar with the classic example of the two proverbial siblings that quarreled over a single orange. This simple story can be used to explain Smartsettle’s fairness and efficiency objectives, and illustrate how they relate to the concept of “beyond win-win”. Comparison is made to the Nobel prize winning work of John Nash, who was the subject of A Beautiful Mind.
Infinity Water Negotiations
(5 min)
Changing the Way the World Negotiates Water Conflicts
Smartsettle ONE
Smartsettle ONE is an online negotiation system for simple cases. It can be a convenient alternative to the Small Claims Court or virtually any situation where two parties need to negotiate a single numerical issue. A computer assisted process using Visual Blind Bidding allows two parties to quickly and easily negotiate their case at a time and place of their own choosing.
There is a wide collection of Smartsettle ONE videos on Smartsettle’s eNegotiation Channel.