The following are frequently asked questions about Smartsettle. The glossary may also be helpful. If you can’t find the answers you are looking for, contact us and we will be more than happy to answer your questions.

How do I use Smartsettle?

What does Smartsettle cost?

What is the efficiency frontier?

When can I access Smartsettle?

What is the Zone of Agreement?

What is the future of Smartsettle?

Is Smartsettle really a neutral party?

What technical support is available?

From where can I access Smartsettle?

How can Smartsettle solve impasses?

When and why should I use Smartsettle?

How does Smartsettle go beyond win-win?

What happens if no agreement is reached?

Can Smartsettle generate efficient solutions?

How does Smartsettle help negotiators reach an agreement?

Why do you say that the efficiency frontier is a moving target?

Are transactions between the software client and server secure?

How does Smartsettle keep information private and confidential?

What happens to my confidential information at the end of a case?

How does Smartsettle help negotiators expand the negotiation pie?

Is there any point in using Smartsettle for simple single-issue cases?

Can Smartsettle really find solutions for the most complex problems?

How can Smartsettle work with confidential negotiations over the internet?

Does Smartsettle require a party to reveal preference information to another party?

How is Smartsettle different than other dispute resolution or eNegotiation alternatives?

How can Smartsettle deal with the emotional and subjective issues of real life negotiation problems?

What are the two measures of a good agreement and how does Smartsettle help negotiators to achieve them?