Smartsettle has a unique multivariate blind bidding system that is superior to ordinary double blind bidding. While other blind bidding systems are restricted to single-issue cases between two parties, Smartsettle’s method can be extended to any number of negotiators in conflict over decisions to be made on any number of variables.
While other systems keep offers and demands hidden, Smartsettle displays proposals and suggestions to all parties. What is blind or hidden in the Smartsettle process is the confidential acceptance that a party may place on a value or package proposed for settlement. In this way, parties can keep their preferences confidential but still see what they are agreeing to before it is declared a deal.
While some other blind bidding systems use a split-the-difference algorithm that tends to produce a chilling effect, Smartsettle’s algorithms actually produce the opposite effect by rewarding negotiators for moving quickly to the Zone of Agreement, thus resulting in quicker settlements.
The sophisticated Smartsettle system can be adapted to practically any negotiation or dispute resolution situation. Smartsettle’s dynamic process is particularly suited for ‘early intervention’, with potential to save significant time and other resources.
Contact Smartsettle for a demonstration today. We’re eager to show you how easy, intuitive, and even fun our interactive graphical interface is to use.